Hi everyone, my handle at the TTM forum is NeilMac2020.


‘Cause I’m creative like that. 

I’ve been singing since I was old enough to stand up, and although I’ve fallen over a few times since then, I’m still doing it.

Picked up a guitar at about age 9 thanks to the B-side of an Everley Brothers single,  and soon learnt how to play Sea of Heartbreak by Don Gibson – and no, I’m not that old.

My musical tastes run the board. I listen to everything from Scottish and Irish folk to metal and everything in between, but my first love has always been loud guitars and rock’n’roll.

I’ve played in a couple of bands over the years, but nothing serious. “Musical differences” is a wonderful expression, isn’t it?

Started out my recording career overdubbing on a double tape deck (remember those?), without really having a clue what was going on.

Moved to Canada in 1998 and continued to mess around on the guitar, picking up all sorts of bad habits along the way.

Enter the digital age – being a little behind the times I was a late discoverer of the possibilities of digital recording. I found Kristal Audio Engine long after it had been superseded by Studio One, and proceeded to learn the ins and outs by myself in a hands on way, by recording cover version after cover version.

Technical difficulties eventually led me to the KAE user forum, where I was shanghaied by the folks at TTM to join their coven/gang/group (whatever you want to call it  ). This led me to a chance encounter with a large, guitar playing Toad from Australia which led to me writing my first lyric to a track he had.

That opened the floodgates and now I can officially classify myself as a songwriter – albeit an unpaid, unloved and unknown one. 

I’ve since moved on to using Reaper as my DAW of choice, and I’m slowly getting used to all the bells and whistles.

Now years later, with an actual real life album for sale under my belt I've become the "keeper of the flame" here at TTM with a new website and forum where we can continue to keep on having all the fun we've gotten used to having over the last couple of decades.

Hanging out at TTM has improved my technical skills to no end – there’s no question these guys can’t or won’t answer and advice is always forthcoming. If they can’t provide the answer, they’ll sure as hell have fun trying.   And the monthly song writing challenges are always fun, no cash prize but you get to lord it over the rest of them for a whole month! Who could ask for more?

At the end of the day, I’m living proof that you don’t need talent or practice to write and record a good song – you just need TTM.